Monday, February 4, 2008

your Assistance Is Urgently Needed.

This one came from a Louisa Christopher []:

Dear Respectful One,

I am writing you this letter with due respect and sorrow of tears since we
have not met or no each other well I am Miss Louisa Christopher.

I am a 20 Years old Girl from Côte d'Ivoire.Daughter of Mr.Ben
Christopher .I have $100,000,000 million USD which was made by my Father
before He died in oct 2006 which was left in a suspence account in a bank
in London.Since I am the only surviving child of my late father and my
mother died six months after my father died in Oct 2006.

I seek your assistance and permition to remmit this amount into your
account so that I could come to your country for investment and to further
my studies. I have accepted to offer you a resonable percentage of the
total sum for your desire to assist me.Please reply me if you have good
areas where I can invest my fathers fund in your country. Presently I live
with a church pastor who is very poor but could only accomodate me.

Reply to this email: for security reasons.Thanks

Best Regards.

Miss.Louisa Christopher.

Notice she gives two different emails? For "security reasons"? What security is she trying to protect?

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